Can a Rabbit eat an Apple?


Can a Rabbit eat an Apple? Can a rabbit eat an apple? Yes! Rabbits can eat apples if the stems and seeds are removed. The apple is a nutritious fruit for rabbits, so they can be given as treats in small amounts. Apple skins contain many nutrients that your bunny will love. The skin also … Read more

Can a Guinea Pig Eat Grapes


Can A Guinea Pig Eat Grapes? Can a guinea pig eat grapes? No! Grapes are delicious but not healthy for your guinea pig. Why are Grapes bad for your guinea pig? Sugar: Grapes contain too much sugar that isn’t healthy for guinea pigs. Seeds: It’s always recommended to remove seeds from grapes as they might … Read more

Can Guinea Pigs eat mandarin?


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mandarin? Can guinea pigs eat mandarin? Yes, guinea pigs can eat mandarin in moderation. Citrus fruits contain high levels of vitamin C but also lots of sugar, which is bad for guinea pigs. Therefore, it’s not recommended to feed your guinea pig any fruits as part of their daily diet because they’re … Read more

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Vegetables?


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Vegetables? Can guinea pigs eat vegetables? Yes, guinea pigs can eat vegetables. Guinea pigs need fresh and high-quality vegetables in their diet for optimum health. The veggies you feed your cavy should be chopped small so that they are easier to digest. A variety of veggies is recommended to provide a … Read more

What fruit can Guinea Pigs eat?


What Fruit can Guinea Pigs eat? What fruit can guinea pigs eat? Fruits are, in general, not good for guinea pigs because they contain too much sugar and are not part of their natural diet. Therefore, Guinea pigs must always have hay available to munch because it is the part of their natural diet that … Read more

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans?


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans? Can guinea pigs eat green beans? Yes, green beans are perfectly safe to give your guinea pig. There’s nothing wrong with feeding green beans to guinea pigs as long as you do so in moderation. Just be careful not to overfeed them. If you feed any food for the … Read more

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple? Can guinea pigs eat pineapple? Guinea pigs can eat pineapple in small amounts, but the fruit is not recommended as part of their daily diet. This is because guinea pigs have intestinal problems that make it difficult to digest most fruits. Also, fruits contain large amounts of sugar, which is … Read more

Which Dogs Are Good With Cats?


Which Dogs Are Good With Cats? Which dogs are good with cats? Almost all dogs accept cats if raised and socialized together, but some dogs are better with cats than others, and these can be your best choice if you want both a dog and a cat. Dogs usually chase cats because they are instinctive … Read more