Which Animals Eat Grass?


Which animals eat grass?

Grass is an important food source for many animals. There are more than 12,000 species of grasses throughout the world, and many herbivores prefer them as a good source of fiber and nutrients. Grasses grow in almost every habitat on earth, from swamps to forest floors to tundra.
Many types of animals consume grass as their main diet. Many mammals munch on grass as a part of their day-to-day survival needs, such as having milk for the young and nutrition for building strong bones and bodies. Humans also eat some processed versions of grass, made into cereals and bread that we consume.

Some herbivores eat grass in addition to other foods. For example, many animals graze on grass as a supplement to their diet instead of relying solely on it for food.
Here is a list of animals which eat grass!


They are the largest land animals, and they eat grass as well. They do not only eat grass, however, as they also prefer to consume tree leaves (especially from acacia trees), shrubs, vines, fruit, and bark.

Black rhinoceroses are herbivorous mammals that inhabit savannas in Eastern Africa. They love to munch on grasses, mostly when they are young; adults tend to feed on bushes and twigs.


Bison are large, shaggy-haired mammals that live in North America and Europe. They love to eat grasses when they can find them; however, they also enjoy browsing on shrubs and low trees.


Antelopes are a large family of animals found in Africa and Asia. They prefer grasses as their primary food source, and they graze on them whenever possible.

Gazelles are another species of antelope that can be found in Africa and Asia. They also eat grasses, but not as their primary food source because they also like to browse on shrubs and trees.

These elegant animals are commonly found in Africa. They appear to feed on grass and other plants, but they also consume insects and carrion if they can find them. Zebras are a type of horse-hoofed animal that feeds on foliage as well.

Horses, Ponies, Donkeys

These animals are grazing herbivores, and they feed on the grass almost exclusively. Horses and donkeys eat grass as a significant part of their diet, whereas ponies do not consume it as much.

Deer (All types)
These animals are found in most regions worldwide, and they tend to enjoy eating grass whenever possible. However, some species of deer also browse on twigs and leaves when the grass is not available.

Llamas, Camels, Alpacas

They eat grass and hay. They cannot eat many plants native to their home but have no problem eating grasses from other places.

These animals are native to Africa, and they feed on both leaves and grasses. Naturally, they would rather eat leaves as their favorite food source; but when there is a shortage of acacias, the giraffes can rely solely on grasses.


Bears aren’t picky! They will eat berries, nuts, fish, and even garbage; of course, they also eat grass.


Goats are commonly known for grazing on grass as a significant source of their nutrition. This is because their hoofs and teeth are perfect for mowing down grass.


Rabbits love to eat grass and leaves; they also enjoy berries, fruits, twigs, and tree bark!


Sheep are another type of grazing herbivore animal which loves to eat grass. It is one of their primary food sources, although they also enjoy browsing on shrubs and trees when grasses aren’t available.

Cows (and other types of Cattle)
These animals have a unique digestive system which allows them to digest vast amounts of grass every day; they are true “cud-chewers.” They also eat hay and corn.


Gophers are large, burrowing mammals that feed on grasses. They also enjoy seeds and roots.


Chinchillas are a rodent that lives in the Andes mountains in South America. They feed primarily on grass and hay but they also eat things like leaves, fruit, seeds, bark, and roots.

Kangaroos and Wallabies

These animals feed on grasses and leaves found in their natural habitat. Kangaroos and Wallabies are herbivores, so they only eat plants such as leaves, grasses, etc.

Pigs And Boars

Pigs and boars are omnivores meaning they will eat anything they can find that is edible. They love to eat grass, nuts, roots, insects, small animals such as birds or snakes.

Many Insects

A full list of grass-eating insects would be too long, but some examples are grasshoppers, locusts, grubs, and caterpillars.


To sum up

Grass has many benefits for animals. Some of these benefits include digestibility, nutrition, fiber, and the ability to grow in almost any environment. In addition, it is a food source and an important habitat and nesting material for many small animals.

In terms of nutrition, grass has a lot to offer. It contains vitamins A and E, and B vitamins like folic acid and niacin. In addition, grasses contain proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Grass is one of the most important plants on earth because it grows in many environments where other plants can’t thrive! In addition, grass provides herbivores with nutrients such as calcium which helps them build strong bones.