Labrador Retriever
In A Nutshell


What are labrador retrievers bred for?

Labrador retrievers are a type of gun dog trained to work in or near water. They have webbed paws that allow them to move quickly through the woods and swamps to hunt their quarry. Labradors are also bred for the specific task of retrieving birds shot down by hunters who use firearms to shoot ducks or other migratory game birds.

Labrador retriever dogs were specifically bred over many generations during the 19th century from black St John’s water dogs and Newfoundland dogs, with some Chesapeake Bay Retriever (another breed) blood added, at the behest of merchants who needed a dependable new means of delivering goods to remote locations in Canada’s North Atlantic fishing grounds. The fishermen wanted as a helper an all-weather dog able to swim to the fishing boat and then back home with fish in its mouth.

Labradors are quite big dogs; a typical Labrador retriever weighs between 40–50 lbs (18–23 kg) and stands 22-24 inches (56–61 cm) tall. Of note, however, Labradors can also come in slightly smaller or larger sizes than these; see their breed standard for more details. In addition, they are often compared in size to the German shepherd or golden retriever breeds. However, they tend to be lighter built and longer than those typically heavier breeds at maturity.

Labrador retrievers have an innate desire to carry things in their mouths, particularly sticks, balls, or favorite toys. This trait is one that owners of the breed often encourage through games designed to allow retrieving practice (tug-of-war and fetch are popular). These characteristics were vital in developing a species that could retrieve game during hunting or fishing and detect and carry prey back to hunters who shot beyond their abilities.

Labradors have a reputation for being “easy keepers” because they tend to be relatively thin, with less muscle and fat than other breeds. As a result, they shed hair more quickly than some other breeds and require low-maintenance grooming. However, shedding does occur regularly throughout the year in response to changes in daylight length and according to hormonal cycles. In addition, Labradors need regular exercise and mental stimulation; without it, they can become bored, leading to destructive behaviors such as chewing.

Labrador retrievers possess a powerful hunting instinct for a breed of its size. This is partly due to the use of the breed by fishers to bring back killed or injured birds and possibly because of their original use at retrieving game for hunters. Labradors have been known to hunt small game alone, but they are also highly adept at taking direction from their owner when employed for this purpose. Hunting with Labradors requires discipline and control on the dog and handler, however, as even those individuals that have been specifically trained can be overtaken by the innate urge (often referred to as “the chase”) upon finding any sort of animal or bird.


Labrador lifespan

How long do labradors live? That is the most common question that people ask about this breed. The average life span of a Labrador Retriever is 10 to 12 years.


At what age is a labrador fully grown?

The typical age for a healthy labrador puppy to reach adulthood is 6-12 months, but it varies according to the sex and size of the dog. On average, male Labradors mature earlier than females, and large labradors take longer to grow into adults.
However, many factors affect growth rate, including genetics, environment, diet, quality of breeding stock, etc.

A lab might behave puppy-like until the age of 2 years.


How much exercise do they need?

Labrador Retrievers are moderately active dogs. They have a big body, short legs, and a powerful tail, which gives them a lot of energy.

The fitter the dog is, the longer they can play without getting tired. The average Labrador Retriever is fine with walking about 30 minutes per day. You should also make sure to provide lots of opportunities for your Lab to run free in an open space or field if possible so that he can burn off extra amounts of energy.


What do labradors like to eat?

If you’re regularly asked this question, the answer may be a bit surprising. While labs are known to be big eaters, they don’t just gobble up everything in sight, and they have preferences!
Fishers originally bred labrador retrievers to retrieve game from icy cold water, and after a long swim, the dogs needed plenty of food to replenish lost calories. Therefore it’s no surprise that many still enjoy their favorite meal – fish!

That said, not all labs like fishy meals.


Can they live in an apartment?

Yes, but they need a lot of exercise.
Well-bred Labradors can live in an apartment, but only with many outdoor exercises.
They are family dogs and need to be around people all the time. As a result, they are prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long.

Labradors need a lot of human contacts and love their owners wholeheartedly.
These traits make them great pets, but they might not be the best choice for apartment living where there is no possibility of playing or walking daily. Instead, labs must exercise regularly, preferably romping through meadows while throwing ball games or swimming in lakes and rivers. This breed can’t survive without being surrounded by humans and their daily activities; otherwise, it does not feel fulfilled as a dog should do.

Labradors are very smart dogs, so they quickly find ways to be mischievous in an apartment. They will keep finding things to do and creating messes around the house if they are bored. Additionally, Labs often get sick if you don’t take them out for exercise daily; their bodies were designed to move and run around. Because of this need for activity, Labradors can live with families who have an active life and own properties where dogs can play outside all the time.


Is a lab dangerous?

Labradors are awesome dogs because they make great family pets. Labradors are generally very patient with children and adults alike, and they love to play games like tug of war or fetch. Besides having a timid personality, and usually not being good guard dogs, labradors have plenty of other traits that qualify them as some of the best dogs out there: They’re intelligent – figuring out what you want is easy for them; affectionate – happy to curl up next to your feet after an active play session; obedient – quick learners who respond well to a firm or gentle training; loyal – true companion animals who’ll be happiest if everyone’s included in the daily activities at home.


What are labrador dogs like?

Labrador is also super friendly and very good with children. He loves playing games with them as well – it doesn’t matter if he’s chasing after a ball or not! So as long as there are kids around him, your Labrador will enjoy himself immensely. And everyone in the family will benefit from this happy attitude!

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